Friday, September 07, 2007

Admissions is full of DORKS.

Fixing my schedule has been... a saga. Holy cow. You have to WATCH these suckers, watch them like a HAWK, do NOT let anything slip!

In our last episode, I began my emails to the school months ago asking how to make sure I got in the right classes. My admissions advisor, while friendly, was next to no help. I finally get the right info, waive Introduction to Computer Graphics and CA3D on sheer nerve and luck. Days of wandering around asking questions, tracking down wrong phone numbers, leaving messages, hooking up with totally booked academic advisors who aren't even supposed to deal with students that aren't assigned to them, getting signatures from teachers, waiting in the 45-minute Accounting line 3 times and the Registration line once, digging up $600 overnight, forgetting to register for the boat party, waiting for the line again, having to run to an ATM to pay for the boat party only to find the check I put in to cover tuition isn't clearing and I'm staring down the barrel at 4 overdraft fees, so I have to void the deposit, get the check back, cash it at another bank, deposit the cash, take money in to Accounting, etc etc etc back and forth across the city.

So today I go in for my Analysis of Form waiver test-- I get plunked down with a teapot, a book, an apple, and an easel and spend 3 hours drawing. Success!! I am allowed to waive Analysis of Form and Figure Drawing 1. I get the papers and I have to take them in to the admissions department to get them signed and get fixed up with a replacement class. The shuttles aren't running properly and it's 4pm. I had to hike back to the main office, which had me already rather pissed off.

I get to the main office, my admissions advisor is out of the office, so I go up to the main desk. A guy there goes over my papers, takes Analysis of Form out of my schedule. We come up with two possible replacements-- Clothed Figure Drawing or Figure Modeling, depending which one has a schedule that will fit properly. The guy takes me over to the registration desk to get it worked out. I sit down in the waiting area. Then they start muttering and looking puzzled.

Guy: "Are you trying to take 15 credits?"
Me: "What?!" (first term is supposed to be 12)
Guy: "That's what I thought. We need to take care of one of these. What's on here? ....A 413 level course? Well, THAT isn't right."
Me: "Uh..... what are you doing?"
Guy: *looks up, smiles reassuringly* "Oh don't worry, you don't have to do anything, we're fixing it."
Me: "What are you doing?" OH NO YOU DIDN'T. I get up and march over there trying to get a look at the screen, and he gets in my way, still smiling.
Guy: "It's fine, it'll all be taken care of in a minute."
Me: "What are you doing??"
Guy: "What is that? 413.. yeah, get rid of that one."
Me: YOU DID!! "What is going on? Let me see."
Guy: *hands over a printout of my glitched schedule*
Me: "....Okay. No. That 413 is my Maya 1 class, I just spent all week trying to waive a whole sequence, and dealing with the extra $400 lab fee, to get INTO that thing. You are NOT dropping that one."
Guy: "But there's an extra class. Okay, Photography, we can get rid of that one."
Me: "Uh, No."
Guy: "There's still 15 credits."
Me: "Okay, LOOK. You put down BOTH of the classes we were just talking about-- Clothed Figure Drawing and Figure Modeling. We have to pick one of those and take the other off, and then it'll be fine."
Guy: "No, see, there's still one extra."
Me: "Take one of these out, that's one, two, three, four. Four classes times three credits each, that's TWELVE."

*headsmack!* Dorks!! They mean well, but... good gravy. Learn how to count!

They did at least take care of the schedule change in such a way I didn't have to go through the Accounting line AGAIN. That is a BIG plus right there lemme tell ya.

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